Equity in Science Tools
Master equity analysis in health sciences with our collaborative interactive tools and expert guidance.
Take the guess work out and streamline your process.
Using BEST : Why and How
Featured Tools
Confidently incorporate SGBA Plus analysis, demographic factors, subpopulations, under-represented & equity-deserving population groups, intrinsic & extrinsic factors on efficacy
Get step-by-step guidance based on latest research and regulatory standards
Collaborate on our interactive platforms
Evidence Synthesis
Cochrane Collaboration compliant Systematic reviews
Rapid reviews
Literature reviews
Quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods synthesis
Learn more about the tools or Log in to access!
Health Technology Assessment
Health technology and drug assessments
Health and social services intervention assessments
Organization of care assessments
Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Regulatory submissions for drugs and medical devices
Discover our services
Benefit from personalized support tailored to your needs.
Optimize uptake within your team with training on BEST tools that has been tailored to your needs and context.
Review & Feedback
Be fully supported throughout all the steps of a specific project with tailored training and seamless integration of a BEST tool while accompanied by one of our methods experts .
Learn more about our services or Contact us to assess your needs!
End2End Assist
Gain perspective on your equity analysis plan with a review & feedback from one of our methods experts.